A research project of the Hochschule für Komunikation und Gestaltung for the Stuttgart district Zuffenhausen

Wintersemester 2018/19
Supervisor: Prof. Michaela Köhler, Prof. Christiane Nowottny, Prof. Dr. Thomas Thudium
cooperation partners: Verein „aktive Stuttgartere.V. and BDS Zuffenhausen e.V.

The aim of the project mittendrin_district.lab.stuttgart is to develop innovative teaching concepts for participatory formats of cooperation in the Stuttgart region with social relevance.

Current needs from the regional environment are to be identified through the participatory participation of Stuttgart’s civil society together with the students of the university and addressed via research and design competencies as well as creative methods of cooperation. The HfK+G cooperates with the association “aktive Stuttgarter”, which networks the trade and business associations from the 23 districts of Stuttgart for the purpose of preserving viable districts and for the perception of all related concerns and interests.

The motto of the project mittendrin_district.lab.stuttgart is “Experience. Learning. Design”. Godfather. The cooperating “citizens are called upon to participate, ask questions and jointly find solutions”. In this way, the concepts developed are implemented operationally through mutual learning and teaching in an experimental setting and through social interaction.

The focus is on topics such as cross-generational living, living and working as well as the corresponding communication, civic design, the development of urban district identities, the attractiveness of trade and business structures with a high social relevance. The exploratory committee has selected the district of Zuffenhausen for the winter semester 2018/19.

The project will be carried out interdisciplinarily by students across all courses and semesters.

Course of studies Communication Design

3rd semester // Communication Design I
A cross-media study on the urban identity of the Zuffenhausen district of Stuttgart under the motto “Transforming the negative into the positive”.
Supervisor: Prof. Michaela Köhler and Prof. Christiane Nowottny

Course of studies Advertising and Market Communication

1st and 5th semester // Brand research // Brand Management and Image
“What makes Zuffenhausen a home?” Within the framework of the curricular events “Market Research” (1st semester) and “Brand Management and Image” (5th semester) students of the WMK course of studies examine the Zuffenhausen district.
By means of free interviews and structured surveys, the image of Zuffenhausen among citizens, associations, churches, social institutions, tradespeople (craftsmen, retailers and service providers) and the local industry will be examined more closely. Site surveys, analysis of consumer purchasing power migrations using GfK Regiograph will provide information on how attractive Zuffenhausen is and where improvement potential for Zuffenhausen is seen.
The results of these explorative analyses should provide indications as to where and what can be optimized by means of changed/new communication strategies, service offerings, etc. in the municipality/ district of Zuffenhausen.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Thudium

3rd semester // Interactive Communication
For the ZUFFENHAUSEN ZUHAUSE initiative, a social media campaign is to be developed which supports the goal of bringing Zuffenhäuser together, which ensures attention and interest in the relevant target group and promotes dialogue with various actors in Zuffenhausen.
Supervisor: Prof. Christiane Nowottny

3rd semester // Social sciences
Qualitative survey from a spatial-sociological perspective in the Zuffenhausen district
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Harald Strauß