Study programmes

The profile of the Bachelor’s programmes at the Hochschule für Kommunikation und Gestaltung (HfK+G) is characterised by a reflected practical orientation. It combines basic scientific knowledge, a wide range of specialist knowledge in the fields of design and communication, and the ability to implement these independently, appropriately and purposefully in application-oriented contexts and in compliance with social and professional ethical values. This enables graduates to carry out a responsible and qualified professional activity. In the course of their training at the HfK+G, students also reflect on the effects of creative, media and communicative as well as economic influences in social and cultural contexts, as well as accompanying phenomena and social changes in the media age, so that in addition to subject-related and methodological qualifications, civic responsibility, social commitment and personality development are promoted and developed in the course of their studies. In this respect, the qualification objectives also take full account of the qualification framework for German higher education qualifications as a frame of reference, as does the design of the examinations: Examination types vary between written examinations and seminar and project work with and without presentation. The examination types relate to the content and qualification objectives of the modules. The planning of the degree programmes takes into account the fact that there is a balanced relationship between the different examination forms and that the workload of the students is evenly distributed throughout the semester. In project work with and without presentations, exams and presentations, different competences are acquired, used or proven and checked. Written examinations not only have the character of reproducing factual knowledge, but also confront students with transfer tasks, e.g. in the form of case studies. Presentations enable students to present the central contents of their work in an appropriate oral way. By writing their Bachelor thesis, the students demonstrate that they are able to independently work on a problem from the field of study of their degree programme on the basis of scientific methods and findings within a given period of time and to present the results in an appropriate manner in compliance with design and scientific standards.


Graduates of the Communication Design course have sound knowledge in all areas of the design of a wide variety of communication media. The programme enables students to approach design, information and communication problems independently and in a project- and application-oriented manner and to develop solutions. The bachelor’s programme offers students a contemporary, practice- and application-oriented, professionally qualifying course with the possibility of specialisation in the areas of cross-media communication design, interactive communication design and 3D communication design. The specialisation Communication Design crossmedial deals with the development of holistic multimedia communication concepts in all areas of visual communication. The specialisation Communication Design interactive deals with the development of projects at the interface between man and computer, taking into account context-based interface and interaction concepts. The 3D area of specialization deals with projects that are analog or digital at the interfaces of visual communication in 3-dimensional space and product design. The students acquire the design basics, their deepening as well as a personal design position in the entire field of communication design: from conception to design to execution. In addition to creative knowledge, the course also teaches attitude, explorative curiosity and experimental openness. Students can perceive and design with reflection. They acquire their interdisciplinary competence in interdisciplinary projects and extend this through scientific working methods, art and design sciences and supplementary knowledge in business administration, marketing, project management and intercultural communication/languages.After graduation, students are able to assert themselves as qualified employees on the job market in the media industry and related trades such as the creative departments of advertising or media agencies, in publishing houses and companies with their own graphics department or to start as independent designers. graduates of the Communications Design degree programme are able to assess different professional situations and deal with conflicts arising from their work in a solution-oriented manner. They have learned to formulate their own positions and opinions and to represent them in a relevant manner.


The graduates of the program are trained as imaging specialists in all areas of visual communication. They are familiar with all illustration formats, both in factual and scientific illustration, as well as in the field of narrative illustration. You are trained as an artistic partner in all areas of the creative industry: for editorial offices, advertising agencies, design offices, publishing houses, museums, game or film productions, in package and retail design and in spatial communication. During their undergraduate studies, students complete extensive design relevant subjects and acquire the most important qualifications and skills of an illustrator: From the analysis of texts, fiction or non-fiction or other complex subjects, they create independent, creative visual designs. A great deal of emphasis is placed on the content and conceptual design methodology. Research and the writing of short texts, which are designed together with the pictures, belong to the education as well as the stylistic development of a personal picture language or the ability to layout text and picture and to realize independent design projects. They have learnt to use traditional artistic craft techniques and contemporary digital media as forms of expression and can use them in a targeted manner. They have a broad basic knowledge in visual communication as well as a profound knowledge in all digital techniques and software. Students have a sound theoretical background in the related sciences. Their portfolio corresponds to the state of the art, and the course provides students with sound theoretical and practical knowledge of design, from research, brainstorming, design and concept development to customer-oriented support for real design projects. You have both the practical tools for design tasks and extensive knowledge of theoretical design processes. You will be able to carry out a wide variety of projects in a task-specific and target-group-specific manner. Students will be able to critically and comprehensively illuminate design specific tasks, recognize possible problems and solve them appropriately. They have a creative orientation in the social environment of culture, technology, science and business. The combination of theory and practice in illustration provides the students with a basis for new perspectives and approaches, which support them in the formation of their own creative attitude and approach. Complementary competences in entrepreneurship and rhetoric enable the students after graduation to present themselves on the job market and to assert themselves and to integrate themselves as qualified employees in companies or to work freelance.Graduates of the Illustration programme have the skills and abilities to face different professional challenges, to communicate with specialists in different fields and to deal with conflicts in a solution-oriented way. They have learned to formulate their own positions and opinions and to represent them in a relevant manner.


Graduates of the Advertising and Market Communication course have a sound knowledge of general business administration, marketing and related fields of social sciences, law, mathematics and statistics. In addition, the course of studies is characterized by a broad interdisciplinary range of courses with contents from the fields of communication and (media) technology. Furthermore, knowledge in the areas of management, interactive communication instruments, cross-media communication techniques and media impact research is acquired and deepened. These contents are supplemented by “soft skills” such as scientific working methods, project management and intercultural communication/languages. You can choose between English, French and Spanish. The main focus is on “trade fair and event management”, “entrepreneurship”, “branding and product management” as well as “social media and media management”, from which students can choose two. In the main subjects, the basics (3rd semester) will be taught first, followed by special topics (5th semester). Finally, the students work on a project (6th semester) in which what they have learned in theory is applied. The study programme Advertising and Market Communication offers a combination of disciplines that are oriented towards the working practice of the communication industry and reflect it scientifically. Graduates of this programme are familiar with the entire communication process in commercial and noncommercial companies/organisations, ranging from research and analysis, conception and strategy to creation, production and controlling. Due to this comprehensive knowledge a graduate of the study course advertisement and market communication ?knows and speaks? the ?different languages? of creation, production as well as the economics in particular marketing and can maintain itself as project coworkers and/or project leaders of most diverse communication projects. The graduates of the course of studies advertisement and market communication can estimate different vocational situations and deal with conflicts, justified from their activity. They have learned to formulate their own views and opinions and to position themselves.