Pizza & Ice Cream da Toni
2020 Bachelor thesis
Student: Franziska Simonetti
Supervisor: Prof. Michaela Köhler and Fred Arnold
How it all began …
The aim of my bachelor thesis is to develop a functioning, uniform corporate design for my uncle’s catering business. For this, I have intensively dealt with the family members involved. That’s why this re-design means so much: a journey into the past, a connection to my origins and the appreciation of previous generations who spent their lives working so that their children can do well in the future. There is a lot of heart in this work and I am proud to be able to support the family business in this way.
The aim of my bachelor thesis is to develop a functioning, uniform corporate design for my uncle’s catering business. For this, I have intensively dealt with the family members involved. That’s why this re-design means so much: a journey into the past, a connection to my origins and the appreciation of previous generations who spent their lives working so that their children can do well in the future. There is a lot of heart in this work and I am proud to be able to support the family business in this way.
Franziska Simonetti