Publication on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Haus des Waldes:
Good things from the forest. A manual for the senses.

Design and Concept / Graphic and Editorial Design
Communication Design 5th Semester / Winter Semester 2018/19
Students: Romina Vetter
Supervisor: Prof. Michaela Köhler
Cooperation partners: Haus des Waldes / Landesbetrieb Forst Baden-Württemberg

The project was developed on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Haus des Waldes in Stuttgart as part of the seminar work in the module Design and Conception / Graphic and Editorial Design in the winter semester 2018/19.

The winning design by Romina Vetter was published as a book and presented to the public during the ceremony of Minister Peter Hauk MdL.

In 30 years Haus des Waldes a lot was experienced, searched, collected, tried out and found to be good. The book “Gutes aus dem Wald” presents a small but fine “Best-off” to imitate and enjoy. Since the goal of a stay in the forest is the path, special attention is paid to discovery and relaxation while collecting the materials and manufacturing. The book on the 30th anniversary of the Haus des Waldes – sensual, enjoyable, creative.

Publisher is the Haus des Waldes, Stuttgart and the Landesbetrieb Forst Baden-Württemberg. The book can be ordered online there.