Multimedia Campaign to promote voluntary work in senior citizens’ work

A cooperation project between the Hochschule für Komunikation und Gestaltung and the city of Gerlingen.
Wintersemester 2016/17, Wintersemester 2017/18
Supervisor: Prof. Michaela Köhler and Prof. Christiane Nowottny
Cooperation: Stadt Gerlingen,  Amt für Jugend, Familie und Senioren und der AG Netwerk Senioren

Project Background

Against the background of demographic change (declining birth rate and simultaneously increasing life expectancy), the City of Gerlingen, represented by the Office for Youth, Family and Senior Citizens in cooperation with the AG Netzwerk Senioren (Senior Citizens Network), is taking up the challenge of recruiting new volunteers for senior citizens’ work in the future. A multimedia campaign and concepts are desired, which sensitize for this social problem, on the problem to make attentive and for new honorary aids in the senior work recruit. The project was realized interdisciplinary with students of Communication Design and Advertising and Market Communication.

Stage 1 // Wintersemester 2016/17

Conception, design and implementation of a media campaign / event or a communication concept to promote volunteer work for senior citizens.
Programme Communication Design, 3rd semester, Module Communication Design I

Stage 2 // Wintersemester 2017/18

For the volunteer agency Gerlingen, a social media campaign and a microsite are to be developed which show the different possibilities for civic engagement and generate attention and interest in the relevant target group.
Programme Advertising and Market Communication, 3rd semester, Module Interactive Communication and Module Basics of Design