13. – 17. Mai 2019
Campus Stuttgart

published on: together.hfkg.university

To kick off the international project “together” in cooperation with the Universities of Pécs (Hungary) and the Academy of Arts Osijek (Croatia), HfK+G invites you to the exhibition opening “*On Photography | *Identity” on 13 May 2019, 19:00 at Kölner Straße 38, 70376 Stuttgart. Works by Vladimir Frelih and his students at the Kunstakademie Osijek as well as by students of the HfK+G Stuttgart will be shown.

Vladimir Frelih graduated from the Düsseldorf Art Academy with Nan Hoover, Nam June Paik and Magdalena Jetelová. He deals with conceptually multimedia works that often reach the limits of the medium and that occur non-conformities and deviations of the medium itself. Since 2007 he is professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Osijek, at the Multimedia Department and since 2010 guest professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Novi Sad.

The exhibition will take place from 13 to 17 May 2019 in the “Tresor” of the HfK+G in Stuttgart, curated by Vladimir Frelih, Michaela Köhler and Christiane Nowottny.

Further information about the framing international project „together“: https://together.hfkg.university/